
Pastors & Staff

Prophetess Remi Ariyibi

General Overseer&Founder

Prophetess Remi Ariyibi is the General Overseer and founder of Light Of God International Miracle Center (LOGIMC) . The Holy Spirit gave Prophetess a message that she would lead a worldwide prophetic ministry. God continues to remain faithful. Prophetess travels to various nations to speak of God’s goodness and mercy. She orchestrates many humanitarian outreach efforts where she supplies people from impoverished nations with food, medical supplies, health screening and financial support. She is a mentor to the privileged, as well as an advocate and confidant to the poor and needy, all while remaining a symbol of grace to all.

Pastor Ariyibi


Pastor Ariyibi is the Senior Pastor at Light of God International Miracle Center. Pastor Ariybi was teaching for 17 years before God made a way for him to pursue the gospel. Pastor registered into Theological school and successfully completed it.  Pastor Ariyibi is a dedicated and compassionate spiritual leader who radiates love for both God and his congregation. His genuine passion lies in teaching the word of God, bringing its timeless wisdom and messages of love to life for all to understand and embrace.